Played this as a little kid so my memories are not clear, but I remember it being alright. The villain story was a lot more fun to play than the hero story by virtue of having more villains to play as compared to just Batman and Robin.

Easily one of the best Lego games and introduced a lot of the series' staples. Building, bonus missions, gold bricks, and it succeeds pretty well at telling the story of the original movies despite no character ever actually saying anything.

A rough start to the TT Lego game series but it works.
Podracing sucks.

I like a lot about this game. The story is entertaining, bringing together all your favorite superhero teams and letting you beat up every major Marvel villain and then some. The open world was fun, and the cast of characters you could unlock was great.

I was able to complete the main story and was working on free play stuff but then my power went out while I was saving and corrupted all of it.

Anyway, I can tell you that the story really isn't that great. It's just the plot of the movies verbatim, with voice lines ripped and placed where they need to be. As a result, a lot of the dialogue doesn't feel natural.

The unlockable characters I were able to get were pretty cool. I especially love Jack of Hearts and Devil Dinosaur.

My first modern SMT game, I think. The story was alright but the alignment system is pretty wack, requiring you to manage an invisible point system affected by almost every dialogue choice you make.

The gameplay is fun, though getting money feels like a chore. The dungeons kinda suck and are often too short.

Apocalypse improves on the gameplay of IV by a wide margin. Better dungeons, demons playing voice lines when you make them do things and making battles feel more involved, and AI partners that actually help you.

Story wise, it's not that great. Some stuff near the end felt like they were happening just because, and some of the dialogue choices early on feel pointless.

An alright third person shooter. The soundtrack is good, however you hear the Hero Mode theme 90% of the time because of how easy it is to get.

The best parts are, as usual for Lego games, the voice acting and amount of characters you can unlock and play as, and with something like Marvel there's a lot of weird characters (I especially was surprised to see characters like Hit Monkey and Forbush Man)
The bad parts are kinda everything else. Story-wise, it's not as fun as the first Lego Marvel. The time-travel part of it is fun but a lot of the guest characters only appear for one level.

The open world feels much larger with more collectibles, more races and more sidequests but the races are honestly awful. Controlling vehicles is clunky, and when every race requires you to drive through ring checkpoint with a time limit between each while also making sure to complete the entire race under a certain time and earn a gold medal to unlock the character or other thing, it's frustrating to play. Not to mention that races are locked to specific vehicles, which you unlock by destroying or collecting other things around the world like rings of birds/fish or spores hanging on the side of walls.

Being my first Super Robot Wars game and first OG game, it was a lot of fun.

The biggest problem with the game is the garbage translation. The Original Generation series is pretty heavy with lore and references to previous games, and there's a keyword system that provides summaries and definitions for these terms when they come up. As this was marketed as an entry point to newcomers AND was the first OG game to be officially translated in English in years, this keyword system is undoubtedly a very important thing to have, but the translation sucks. Literal translations of weapon names and most lines not having ending periods at all make the story hard to follow.

Gameplay was fine. Animations are beautiful but SR points can be annoying and are dependent on RNG at times. Custom upgrade bonuses for units also being unlocked when maxing out their stats feel unfair to me, as upgrade costs get expensive the higher you go, and in the early-game this is especially troublesome when many upgrade bonuses are simple QOL changes that make some units much better to use.