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1 day

Last played

March 14, 2024

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That was the first DQM I've played.
The monster collection of this game is different from other series, like Pokémon for example, as they are more about fusing them instead of capturing, you still can capture them, but the stronger monsters are obtained in fusion (synthese).
The combat aspect of the game is weird you can give them commands, but the game basically wants you to just let them fight, this is better seeing in the arenas, where you literally just set a role for each of your monsters then pray for them to not spam normal attacks, and also in some tougher fights, as they tend to heal and buff in better timing than commanded before the enemy moves. You can trust your monsters for the great majority of the game.
The story is meh but is not bad... something this game does that really is bad, is the "illusion of choice", there are times the protagonist do some choices invalidating the ones you make. Other things intervein and all result in the same outcome... it doesn't matter what you choose the game will do what it wants, you are not rewarded or punished in any way. I know that one is a classic in DQ games but it's specially annoying in this one, for the nature of the protagonist is different.
The soundtrack is classic DQ stuff, although there are some I did not heard before. But great as always.

And for the character design is where I say that, this was the main reason I've played this game... there is a reason why everything graphically related in this game sucks except the characters and monsters... only a legend could make such remarkable and amazing art. Seeing all those familiar creatures and characters, love their designs... that was my homage and my way to remember his work legacy, that is the way he will keep living through our memories, the inspiration and the will to create was already flourished in us fans, and will keep inspiring the new generations.

Thank You and rest in Peace, Akira Toriyama.