Just an incredible example of a role playing game. If you have any intent to buy and play this game in 2021, please for the love of God download and install the Unofficial Patch Plus. This has been updated as recently as Oct 21, 2021.

I feel wholly inadequate to explain why I like this game because pretty much everyone else has done so. What I think most WRPG players will notice when playing is the writing and facial animations. The writing is the best I've ever seen in a video game, besides maybe Disco Elysium. The dialogue is funny and biting which contributes to the overall aesthetic - more on that later.

The facial animations put every single modern WRPG to shame. When a character is lying, their eyes start to shift and their lips purse. Characters have expressions that range from surprise, to anger, to sadness, to lunacy. Is it perfect animation? No, but it is better than anything else out there besides MAYBE Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

Aesthetically and the vibes of the world are just perfect. I saw another user describe the game design and world view of the developers as Gen. X rage and I could not agree more. The part that absolutely blows my mind is that this game came out in 2004. In America in 2004, offering any kind of dissent to the national security state and the presidency of George Bush was basically treason. This game goes out of it's way to insult the Bush regime, insult the direction that America is going, it's just so prescient. The emo/goth aesthetics of the late 90s and early 2000s work so well. If you were alive during this time period, it feels like a time capsule sometimes.

I guess what I'm saying is, if you're a fan of jank, and grim-dark games you should be interested in this. If you like RPGs, this is an essential playthrough. I really thought that no game could hold a candle to Dragon Age: Origins (my favorite WRPG, and favorite game of all time) but VTM:B has made a case to be in my top 5 favorite gaming experiences ever.

Ventrue for life, fuck Prince LaCroix, I'm the Prince of LA now bitch.

Reviewed on Nov 05, 2021
