great game but i just found out there's no new content so i don't rlly feel like replaying💀

edit: my bad there are 2 new bosses still not enough to get me to replay but if u haven't played this before ever def pick it up i will say tho the framerate on the switch sucks ass so would recommend playing this on pc

Reviewed on May 24, 2024


1 month ago

If new content means so much to you, why didn't you search up whether there was new content in the remake before buying it?

1 month ago

I heard there was new content online but after playing found out it was like quality & life shit i thought they meant like new bosses or smth

1 month ago

That's why you do your research!

1 month ago

There are new bosses ya ding dong

1 month ago

Yeah theres new bosses

1 month ago

Hey did you know there is new game+ and new bosses

1 month ago

yeah yeah just found out still not gonna replay tbh doesn't seem worth it but pretty cool that they added that

30 days ago

everyone is entitled to their own opinions but saying you bought it because "i thought they meant like new bosses" and then saying "doesn't seem worth it" when you found out they did add new bosses is kind of hilarious

29 days ago

who says I bought it lol