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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 28, 2023

Platforms Played


i loved the art direction with the per-rendered backgrounds. navigating them? not so much. may just be my ageing eyes, but there were some perspective & color blending issues here and there that boggled my mind.

movement can be finicky, especially when trying to use some traversal abilities. pretty clunky overall. really does make you feel like you're roaming around in an ancient egg mech. this issue is compounded by a couple of enemy encounters since many of them are pretty damn fast (or have insane range) and require you to be more reactive than your egg will let you be.

the "Elemental" part of "EGG" is just that -- elemental powers you obtain throughout the game that help you solve puzzles and traverse the map. nothing really notable here.

coolest thing about this game for me was the transition into 3D for the boss battles. they weren't great by any means, but they broke up the annoyances of navigating these maps and i also can't hate the attempt at throwing this into a 2d game.

if you're into the zelda-type thing i'd say give this a shot. it basically is that except you're saddled with the pros and cons of being a dude in an ancient egg mech. at the very least, check out the music. lots of great tracks on this OST.