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It's fairly rare that a game really sweeps me up. I have pretty severe ADHD and in terms of gaming it manifests in a perpetual inability to really commit a lot of time to a game. If I play a game for more than 2 hours in any short period of time, that's generally a success.

My first period of consistently playing Descenders yielded a playtime of 55 hours.

This game is just chock full of things that feel good. Slamming down a mountain at 50mph feels good. Landing a 720 table backflip feels good. Finally getting the perfect run of a really hard technical bike park feels good. That's what kept me coming back for weeks on end: it was just so much fun to play.

It's not exactly a perfect game - the career mode is more fun than I expected for something so reliant on procedural generation but has some wonky difficulty scaling and some of the environments are pure bull and learning some of the advanced techniques can be a challenge since a lot of the tutorials are hard to find and/or not particularly helpful - but those didn't really keep me from getting hopelessly addicted to this for a good 2 or 3 weeks straight. This game is a blast, and it's the kind of good game that rewards you diving in by slowly unfolding new layers of depth in control and giving you a host of excellent user-designed areas to mess around with when you're sick of doing career mode runs. This is a hopelessly underrated gem that deserves more recognition than it gets from the crowd on here that seems to dislike it for not playing like games it's not trying to be anything like in the first place.