This review contains spoilers

TW // Loss, suicide

It's been almost a year since I lost my friend. His birthday was just this past friday, and it pained me to think he's no longer here to be present on the day that we always celebrated him, and now he can't experience that.
Outer Wilds is a game about death. Our continued deaths by the hands of the Solar System and autopilot, to the death of everything we hold dear as we see it all fade away in that warm, cyan glow. As one goes through this genuinely curious, beautiful, and wonderous journey, they end up having to see it all be eviscerated for the canonical last time in the final moments of the game.
When I lost my friend, I only contemplated sending myself to him as well, making plans to leave one day myself. I didn't understand or see a future that I could live without him. I turned to games, as I had no strength to keep myself up and just wanted to escape. I had this game downloaded, and I played it continuously, escaping in this so so curious world from the reality of the life I didn't want to accept. I got to the end of the game, and talked to Gabbro.

"It’s the kind of thing that makes you glad you stopped and smelled the pine trees along the way, you know?"

I broke down crying, remembering the things, the time, the people, that I've lost, knowing that really their ends didn't determine their impact, but the smell of the pine trees that I've experienced had with them was their worth, and reminiscing on those great times.

"I learned a lot, by the end of everything. The past is past, now, but that's… you know, that's okay! It's never really gone completely. The future is always built on the past, even if we won't get to see it."

These people may not be able to see the future that we are now living in, but their effects on me will never vanish. I continue to remember all of these things in the reality that I am living in, and know that there will always be something to remember and cherish.

"All that remains is to collapse the innumerable possibilities before us."

All that remains is to keep living. Keep living in this tough reality, embracing the past, and building the future. I am alive. I am here. I carry on the memories of those that I've lost, and so they won't really ever truly be lost.
Outer Wilds, as much as it is about death, is a game about life. The Hearthians and the Nomai foster a loving and curious enviroment, drives out that innate curiosity to keep moving and bringing this love to this life. Outer Wilds wants you to be positive even in the face of losing it all, and rather just sit down by a campfire, and hold those times close to us, playing the music and remembering that fragrance of those pine trees like how it was when they were here. Outer Wilds helped me live. It helped me cope. There is no higher praise I can give any piece of media. I miss my friend so, so much, but because of this game, I can hold him so close and keep him in my loving memory forever.
Thank you, Outer Wilds, and Happy Birthday, my great friend. Thank you.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2023
