Log Status






Time Played

4h 36m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

September 28, 2023

First played

February 11, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Genuinely, one of the worst games on my Steam library. And I have Mr.President!, I'm dead fucking serious. There's no appeal to this whatsoever. The most garbo game you can buy on Steam. It baffles me that this made it to consoles (yeah, believe it or not, this is on Switch, PS4 and Xbox One) and that they're charging more than 10 bucks (5 bucks more for the soundtrack, like who's even going to listen to it!!!!) for one of the most low-quality, shovelware-tier and uninspired game released in recent years.

A game that is constantly compared to this one is Happy Wheels, and I mean, the inspiration is very clear, but once you start playing, every comparison you could have made is gone. This isn't referring to Happy Wheels being 2D and Guts & Glory being in 3D. Happy Wheels level creator could let you do lots of things, things that were more than an uninspired obstacle course or a quiz about some random youtuber. But even then, the work that could be done with the visuals could be something impressive. Things like Rope Swing, Sword/Ball Throw and many many more styles that made use of every mechanic and could even cross over each other are nowhere to be seen here. All you can do in Guts & Glory are uninspired obstacle courses or quizzes about some random youtuber. Because, like with most successful TinyBuild games, this was made specifically for YouTubers and Streamers, for them to react to the wacky physics for an hour or so, pump out another garbage Let's Play and make kids want to buy this. I bet you that everyone who says this game is good or decent have no more that 1 hour played and haven't played more than the first two official track groups, and if you think I don't have any base for this statement, go check the achievements percentages. I have played more than the first two official track groups, and I can confirm all of them are the most low-effort they could be.

This game is riddled with shitty level design, questionable controls, inexistent art style consisting of Unity Asset Store props and unpolished physics. Almost every vehicle loses control all by themselves; for some reason Zoe always leans to the left, the ATV guy (I forgot the name) makes extreme turns, Larry is straight up horseshit and so on. The only characters that are worth playing as are John (the guy with the kid), the Yang family and Pedro, the others don't add anything of significance to the gameplay. In fact, they worsen the gameplay further. And to all this, add up some minor details like shitty language localisation, the Unity Asset flip houses, props and models, and bad interfaces and menus. This feels like a game Dev student first project. I know making games is hard, but there are indie games out there made by one person that don't even have a publisher and have far more quality than this. If anything, this game proves removing Greenlight was a mistake. Happy Wheels at least was a good videogame.