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man, this game brings back a lot of memories.. for a game designed to ride the mobile apps train, it did a lot more than it's competitors and really played to it's medium. i can appreciate not being too much of a cash grab, considering most games in that era normally tried to farm micro transactions (maybe not to the extent of current games), but a simple one time purchase would be enough for this bad boy and even had a decent free trial version to boot. you lead water to the shower by removing dirt to create a passage way, while avoiding obstacles along the way; every chapter having a new fun gimmick to play around. what made it fun is the physics of the water and it's interactions with everything else, it was like a little sandbox puzzle game where you can find your own jerry rigged solutions, not necessarily having to follow the main path all the time. visuals and audio do not age well, but it's still an simple yet engaging puzzle game that acts as a time capsule of it's time.