i went in blind with incredibly high expectations, unsurprisingly it delivered and this has to be one of the best gaming experiences in a long time and i loved every minute.

just booting up the game you feel like this game is going to be something special; the homey, nostalgic feel of the title screen with a warm, cozy camp fire contrasting with the vast emptiness of space captures this game's feeling so so perfectly.
i've been waiting for a game like this for a long time, a game that respects the player and how they want to play the game. it's a game about observation, problem solving and will power, there is no hand holding or linear path to take, and it rewards exploration and experimentation. and given that it's in space it really emphasises these ideas and suits the game perfectly.
what they pulled off is something worthy of praise. i will refrain from talking about anything in this game since it will ruin expectations but man.. it's really one of a kind and i haven't felt so emotional about a game in a while. you will feel it all in this game; excitement from exploring the incredibly dense worlds, the intrigue in the mystery that unfolds that feeds into your imagination, the fascination in the incredibly diverse sets of sights and technology of a world undiscovered, the insignificance you feel exploring the emptiness of space but the comfort of knowing you are not alone, the intense fear of the dangers you may encounter throughout your journey, the euphoria from the perfect climax leaving you teary eyed and helpless and perfectly wrapping up the game, the nostalgia for an experience only a few hours old, honestly the list goes on. this game knows how it wants it's players to feel and it really shows. the world building, aesthetics, mechanics, music and the mystery are all brought together in an incredible and beautiful way. props to the devs.

you really don't need to know much about this game other than give it some time and be patient and it will be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences. i believe this to be art and a timeless masterpiece.

Reviewed on Nov 11, 2022
