it's a whimsical, dystopian heroes' journey that also acts as a cute cat simulator.
the way they advertised the game it seemed something inspirsed by "goat simulator"-esque games targetting reddit users who find these games entertaining, "BatChest this is just like my cat! meow :3". but upon playing it goes beyond what i expected.
there are some beautiful moments in this game that felt almost like journey. gameplay through observation and little to zero dialogue is something i love and very particular of that i couldn't help but be impressed, but this is however short lived and suddenly you're given the ability to talk, and felt so betrayed :( .
the cyberpunk world is facinating to say the least. gameplay and puzzle solving is organic and encourages exploration, with a hint system if you ever get lost. the game design is polished finely and feels invisible at times that puzzles felt rewarding to solve. i just wish maybe the visual communication was more concise, instead of having to rely on hud pop ups to solve puzzles (i tried playing without a hud and the game became impossible, it just becomes "what piece am i missing").
along with the mystery filled story, meticulous attention to the small details, engaging and fun side content and collectables, immersive and subtle chimes and the clean yet busy feeling artstyle all work together to create a solid, intriguing experience.
it's a cute little game that i had plenty of fun with. +1 for meow button during in-game cutscenes

Reviewed on Nov 27, 2022
