Beat this in one sitting. It's rare that I actually do that when it comes to video games, so it shows how good this game is. All of the weapons feel super good to use, enemies are varied and fun to fight and the levels aren't a drag to go through. It's one of those games where "nothing is wrong", but perhaps it's missing this sort of... oomph, that would make it so much more fun to me.

I tend to use the word "oomph" a lot when reviewing things. It's the one word I rely on too much, but there's no better way to convey what I feel when it comes to describing a certain je-ne-sais-quoi that would make a game super duper good. This game has some of that special "oomph" I am looking for, but it's missing in some places. Perhaps it's the art direction and where this game takes place in that bores me a bit. I'm being harsh. This game is good. Go play it.

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2023
