Just gotta point out that I've technically only played the maps from base H2 and the ones from H3. I've yet to play the 2016 maps and the ones from the H2 DLCs. Anyways, Hitman rocks.
There's one thing I need to get out of the way: this isn't just a stealth game. It's also a puzzle game that takes place in multiple sandboxes. Planning the best way to eliminate your targets is really fun, and having to improvise when their patterns get disrupted can give you some really tense scenarios. The disguise system is a lot of what makes Hitman, Hitman. The way the maps are designed gives every disguise a use, clear weaknesses, and the methods to find new ones. And I love how they're not even necessary. SASO heavily crippling you and yet still feeling fair and possible is incredible for an optional challenge. Obviously they're nothing new for this series, but the strengths of the disguise system really shine in the new maps.
And those maps... Yeah. They're super well designed. There are so many approaches that you can take to get that one guy killed. From different poisons, guard routines, scripted events that the targets will always go to, and the various fun mission stories that lead you to figure stuff out, it's up to you to make every assassination different from the last. Play like a kleptomaniac. It will work out. There are so many different options for just about any scenario the game can throw at you, and it's just really fun whittling down that list, hit after hit.
And there's the contract system, which gives you near endless replayability. I've also heard a lot of good things about Freelancer, which I haven't gotten around to yet, but a roguelike system in something like this game is more or less guaranteed to work well.
The new Hitman trilogy is a ton of fun, and every individual map by itself can give you hours upon hours to playtime. Highly recommend.
Berlin's my favorite. Happy hunting, 47.

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2023
