After playing this game, I finally understand the title, and think they misspelt it, because really it should be called "Evil Residence". It is in fact, so evil, that the architect who designed this place got lost it in, and then died after getting trapped. They have a signboard in the backyard which showcases the following four locations: the "Cave of Hatred", "Valley of Destruction", "Path of Revenge", and "Summit of Madness". They even hired CROWS to attack you if you fail the puzzle.

On a serious note, Resident Evil hits all the right notes - It is tense, scary, maze-like, and never lets up for a moment. I sweat while playing this game. You always have to be plotting ahead, about what to bring in your tiny inventory space, what your route through the mansion will be, when and where you should use your precious limited ammo, or finally spend it? And just when you think you have everything planned out and are finally safe, the game says:

"That's it, you've used this route too many times"

And then unleashes a hoarde of zombies on that path. From faster more aggressive zombies to broken doorknobs, Resident Evil forces the player to constantly compromise and reroute their paths. You may know the mansion's layout really well, but you never really know what will be safe. This is my favorite part of resident evil - the constant tension.

I also love the traps and tricks riddled around the mansion - secret passages, lowering ceilings, knight blender machines. It makes the whole mansion feel so complex and memorable. Furthermore, that fact that events within the mansion change over time also make it feel alive, even tiny details like crows coming to mourn their dead comrade, or the surprises waiting for you when you return back to the mansion from the nearby residence.

I also love the limited saves system. It forces the player to push on just a little bit further, take that extra risk, instead of saving every time you reach a typewriter. It once again, keeps that tension always going.

Having multiple screens for one room is weird at first, but I think that the clunky controls really add alot to the tension - having to awkwardly maneuver around a zombie, not being able to see what's around the next corner, it makes even tiny encounters with a singular zombie in a narrow hallway seem like a mountain of a challenge. It makes every single thing in this game a constant unrelenting challenge.

Personally, I think Resident evil is a very special and memorable experience. It forces you to master the layout and controls, but even then, you never know just what might happen on the way.

Reviewed on Jan 24, 2024
