I'm usually pretty generous with games when there are slivers of potential present, but frankly I'll be damned if I can find the power to say anything redeemable about Advent Rising after sifting through the weightless gunplay (like Max Payne with lasers, but plays bad), awful vehicle controls (mouse steering, really?), unclear objectives, poor menu navigation, terrible checkpoint system (without saving!!!) and the motley of bugs, glitches and crashes even with the Advent Revising patch implemented.

Also, did the developers really expect the player to be invested in the grand scope of its' three-part narrative if they can barely pass the time to build its' world or flesh out its' one-note characters, or even pace the story properly so that it doesn't feel like we're jumping from one series of events to another. Mass Effect 1 was 18 hours long, this barely cracked 6-7 for me, even with all the crashing and getting stuck into things. And why do all the NPCs, including the female ones, have the same male-sounding jump and falling sound effect?

Just a terrible game all around. One star for allowing me to dual-wield grenade launchers.

Reviewed on Sep 02, 2023
