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1 day

Last played

April 1, 2024

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i don't have much nostalgia for the first game, i played it rather recently, but played a hell of a lot of RD revolver when i was young, so its understandable i enjoy arthur more than i enjoy john, but i loved their interaction as the game went on but i wish there was more of them both.

abigail got downgraded to a worried cat that does nothing but complain and guilt trip john when in the first game she was a woman that could stand up for herself and understand the situation of their lives just enough, and thats my biggest gripe with this game, they ruined a fine character for the sake of extending the epilogue.
other than all that, its no hyperbole when i say this is the definitive best cowboy game that there is, lots of roleplay and atmosphere to be found in it even if the character movement got sluggisher than the first redemption game.
while i loved the journey, i found the ending lacking on something, i know there was not gonna be closure as this is set for the first game, but the epilogue leaves a rather sour taste on what was a very good journey through and through.

the missions got massivelly improved, no more 5 favors per character as it was in the first redemption, that one could grind my nerves sometimes