(NES - Emulated)

What i Like :
- It was my first Jrpg, turn based at least, it showed me what is fun about the genre, what is of the past and why people like it so much.

-its so easy to emulate that my Powkiddy V90 ran it perfectly through and through.

- it might be old but its so charming, it shows what can be done with the sprite limit of the time, its also funny in some places, it doesn't take itself that seriously at times, but it also has its cute dramatic moments, these moments might not have much effect today, but they are cute, give what they tried to do with little sprites.

- its nowhere near as grindy as most people make it out to be, i only had to grind 3 times through the whole game, and it was 10 levels, which took 20 minutes each.
-the box art is really nice.

What i don't like :

- its a very long game, it makes you wonder when is the ending come, near the end they run out of fun things to excite you or make you have fun, it becomes just battle after battle.
- the inventory organization is a mess, its just names, youre supposed to know what everything does.

- good luck playing it without a guide.

- you gotta save by going inside your ship, and sometimes you can't save at all, i nearly got stuck because of it, you can forget to save and be sent to 4 hours worth of progress back.

- inventory limit, why ?

Conclusion : i recently replayed it and god, the feeling of kicking the final boss when you both are on your final straw is still amazing, this is a little gem indeed, i'm so glad i played it on the little powkiddy again, its an experience in itself playing it on a handheld.
Kito, Osira, Lito, Vamur, i'll never forget the little guys that came with me through my first ever Jrpg finished

Reviewed on Nov 27, 2022
