(PC - Free)

rest in peace Wertpol..

What i liked :
(there will be spoilers)
- somehow i feel this game is more important than i give it credit forits one of the many games from my edgy phase that made me appreciate those small weird experiences, started with me being a snotty child watching markiplier.


-there are only 2 feelings with this game, panic and anxiety.

- characters, literally 4 characters, and they are all memorable, this game is short, give it a try, you can finish it within 30 minutes

this is one hell of a rabbit hole to delve into, for starters, unfortunally the creator of this game has commited suicide, man, what a shock it was when i learned about it, i have no idea what he had been through, and honestly i am scared of delving into this rabbit hole, but one thing i can say for certain, he expressed himself, went foward and created something that will be eternal, he left his legacy here with us, and for that i am eternally grateful, so many potential artists and great minds die before having the courage to charge forth with their ideas.
if you are one of those bealtiful creative minds that feel trapped, worried about ratings, opinions, please don't be, show the world your ideas, leave your legacy, leave something here so we may know you existed.


Reviewed on Apr 05, 2023
