Log Status






Time Played

150h 0m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

August 29, 2020

First played

July 15, 2020

Platforms Played


MGR is a game by Platinum, the creators of Bayonetta and NieR:Automata. thats really all i need to say i think but incase you dont know what exactly that means/entails, ill tell you!

Difficulty aside(as that matters heavily to me)this game will have you fuckin fidgeting in your chair excited at how awesome it is. even in 2020 i think if you gave this game a visual update you could just, say this is a GOTY. the feeling of parrying A FUCKING METAL GEAR RAY, after raiden fought like 20-30 of them for an hour in MGS2 is just, theres no damn words. the amount of times this game will leave your jaw on the floor will be innumerable . Not only is it a super fun game to play, the soundtrack is probably one of the best soundtracks for a game ever. yes i fucking said that. If youre fine with the corny-ness of butt rock and can still jam out to the songs, this game seriously has a untoppable soundtrack.

the 4 stars is because, my god konami its 2020, 2013 when this game came out. HOW IS A PC PORT OF A VIDEO GAME THIS HARD. Theres a couple of annoying ass issues with the PC port, though none enough to no recommend to version