While it is very clearly following in Post Void's footsteps, it carves out its own identity with its charming style and unique twists. There's a steady flow of new challenges introduced in every chapter, and it's fast paced.
And while the colorful VHS OVA aesthetic can be overwhelming, the bright signposting always leads you the right way, and enemies clearly stand out from their environments. I just wish there was more incentive to replay it, because outside of some cosmetics: there's little variety to level layouts and character upgrades and certain weapons, namely the shotgun and SMG, are completely broken once fully upgraded. Endless mode had me just wishing for those two showing up every time I finished a level.
Still, there's enough satisfying combat and soul here to charm anyone; it's hard to fault a game that executes a core idea so well, in such a short but engrossing runtime.

Reviewed on May 21, 2024
