i can't really articulate why i'm just not that into undertale. i like night in the woods, so "cringe tumblr game from the mid-2010s" is NOT a barrier to entry for me. i really like the soundtrack! i've listened to the soundtrack a lot, actually! i find the dialogue grating and the art style isn't for me. tried multiple times to complete this, but it just doesn't have that easy enjoyment that something like night in the woods gives me. i dunno. crucify me.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2023


7 months ago

That's fair, love the soundtrack too - I still need to complete Night in the Woods, I got the Switch physical recently.

7 months ago

I will crucify you when I find the time u unculutred swine <3

7 months ago

yeah fuck you asswhole

7 months ago

Look, all I’m saying is that they crucified Jesus because he told them the truth…