This was my second time in Outer Wilds, but this time I had a fresh perspective playing with my dad, who doesn't play video games. He and I recently have been getting through some of my favorites in the last year after realizing he likes the narrative elements of games.

Needless to say, I still adore this game, and I think he also really enjoyed the full experience. His only two notes were that he wished the text was voiced and that some sections were slightly less frustrating and repetitive, which are two fair points from someone watching the game and not playing it. Overall, while I think some moments will never be forgotten, the game actually has decent replay value. Dialogue is quirky and tracking characters across the galaxy is more intuitive on your second set of loops around the solar system. Certain discoveries can't be lost in memory, but it trims the fat on some more frustrating bits and allows you to get to the sections that matter. The ending is still one of the most impactful, and the music is awe-inspiring and scary.

Reviewed on Nov 17, 2021
