This is a great game. The story and characters are much better than you might think from the demo. The strategy combat is extremely fun and rewarding, with many well-made and interesting maps (Ch.16 is my favorite I've played in an SRPG). The ending I got made me cry and I'm already looking forward to doing it over again to go down a different path.

Reasons you might not like this game:
- Lack of class / build customization:
Every character has a defined role they fill, that they can't really step outside. The customization is in your composition: what characters you bring to a map. But if you like SRPGs to customize and tailor individual characters, it's almost wholly absent from the game. I think the game works fine without it, but I understand it's a dealbreaker for some.

-Very wordy, some bad pacing:
If you hate reading in games and just want to get to the combat, this might not be for you. You can just skip everything, but so much of what makes this game great is the politics of the story and how the characters react to the tragedy of this erupting war. Also the impact of the branching paths basically requires you pay attention. If you're all in on combat and don't want to sit through a bunch of (good) dialogue, there's maybe better strategy games for you. Still, you could really gel with the combat so its worth giving the demo a shot. Anna's a super fun character to play, for example.

Reviewed on Apr 26, 2022
