this is one of the raddest and most surprising games i've ever played. the number of times i said "oh holy shit" to myself even way after i thought i was wise to the kinds of tricks the game was going to pull on me is extremely high this is the highest of recommendations if you like crunchy tabletop rpgs

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2020


3 years ago

OH yea when you're suddenly teleported to the wide field full of zombie-like guys? so great!! i had the same kind of reaction, thought maybe my game bugged or something like that. those moments make the game so great, on top of the smaller scale moments when you exit one dungeon and appear in a part of the world you're already familiar with, realizing how well everything is linked together.

3 years ago

yes that's it the GAME is simply VERY GOOD

6 months ago

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6 months ago

one of very few real time blobbers since dungeon master to try to do anything different with the formula. I found it almost anxiety inducing in its complexity and expansiveness, but it's a miracle that it exists and is as good as it is and I hope one day I can muscle through it cos it's too fuckin sick not to

6 months ago

yeah if i was writing about stuff when i played this the way i do today i feel like i would write ten thousand words about this game, there’s just SO much to it. i really just picked away at it for months and it just kept rewarding me. i really really dislike realtime blobbers as a rule but the first grimrock was an early genre game for me so i checked this bad boy out and i’m really glad i did, i still think back on it sometimes and there are probably five or six bits from it that are just like knock your socks off incredible bits of “i didn’t know you could do this in this kind of game” type shit

6 months ago

im a big ass apologist for the subgenre even tho it kinda sucks, so I'm definitely inclined to understand where you're coming from. even in the small bits I played I saw quite a bit that had me in a real state of awe so I'm looking forward to going back and seeing the rest

definitely feels like what should've been the genre's modern moment to shine. shame it was very much a Pillars of Eternity thing where folks had their fill with the first one and didn't bother trying the second (much better) one cos they were satiated already

6 months ago

if i was the entire general public i would simply buy the legend of grimrock 2 imo

6 months ago

yes, certainly!