Log Status






Time Played

51h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 19, 2022

First played

April 24, 2022

Platforms Played


3 years, 3 disgea games. And i think it has ran its course. i really enjoyed 5, but disgaea 6 was fairly disappointing. With 1, all the ingredients that made a good disgaea game are present with this being the first game in the franchise, but it ultimately felt its age such as the tedious grinding. the visuals were improved to my understanding with the Complete version, but the charm wasn't enough to make this trudge that worth it.

i honestly will always have a soft spot for disgea 5, and while this may be the last disgaea game, i tip my hat to this pretty well rounded jrpg franchise, and the game where it all began.