This is the gaming equavilent to a pig trouph. A bunch of leftovers and scraps from better, more successful games mindlessly mashed into a bin and fed to gamers who'll gobble up any AI generated, plagarised piece of slop as long as they're "sticking it to Game Freak". I promise you, Game Freak doesn't care about this game now and they especially won't care about it in a month when the hype has died down and it dissapears off the face of the internet. As an aspiring game designer, who starts study this year it's incredibly disheartening to see such a low effort game get so popular and be met with so much success. What's the point in even trying if this passionless and creatively bankrupt game is all it takes for great success. Go support indie devs that actually put passion and effort into their games, go play Nexomon, or Monster Sanctuary, or Monster Crown, or Coromon, or Cassette Beasts, or any of the other hundreds of indie games that actually deserve your money.

Reviewed on Jan 23, 2024


4 months ago

Hey friendo, just letting you know that you made a few spelling errors in here! Sorry!

4 months ago

Curious as to why you find it lazy? I'm having a blast playing through it and the more I play the more I'm surprised by how in depth it gets. Also where abouts did you play until if you don't mind me asking?

4 months ago

@doodoochan thanks for letting me know haha, wrote this very quickly and couldn't be bothered to proof read it. I also genuinely don't like dwelling on negative emotions and would like to spend as little time thinking about this game as possible

4 months ago

@demonz the game has almost not a single original element. Seriously, I'm not even referring to the concepts or gameplay I mean all the way down to the rocks in the environment are just default unitity assests and many of the pal models are so insanely similar to Pokemon models (down to the polygon) sure it's probably just barely different enough to dodge a lawsuit (I don't know much about copyright laws) but it's definetly enough to get a clear view of how little effort was put into this game, the CEO himself has said that they just got what was popular and trending right now and put it all into one game in the hopes it would take off. That doesn't exactly sound like someone with passion and drive to me, and when considering his history and support of AI art and NFTs it's pretty easy to guess that what they've done is just throw a bunch of images of Pokemon into an AI and asked for it to churn out designs for them, which they then change just barely enough to avoid a full blown lawsuit. The entire game just reeks of low effort slop to me, so much so that I could barely play it for more than a few hours when my friend gave me his steam login to try it out. Sorry if that didn't answer you properly or if I missed some points I feel like I kinda rambled my way through this reply but I simply don't have the energy to read this over again or talk about my hatred for this game anymore so I'm gonna go and keep on playing Baldur's Gate now :)

3 months ago

Fair enough, I can definitely see a possibility where they asked AI to make Pokémon for them but since there's no proof I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt. I will say that I personally find it interesting how honest they have being about just trying to make a game people want to play, I interpreted it almost in a wholesome way of just wanting to create a product that can entertain people, even if it's not exactly a passion project (although I'm sure that the dev's themselves did probably create the game out of disappointment from how the Pokémon Games have been the past decade lol).

Enjoy Baldur's Gate, fantastic game :)

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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3 months ago

@demonz yeah I can definitely see where you're coming from, maybe I should try and be a bit less cynical when it comes to this game haha. Thanks for being chill about this discussion, I've seen a lot of people who immediately resort to hurling insults the minute you say anything remotely bad about palworld lmao.

3 months ago

All good man, sometimes a game just isn't for you there's no point in people getting riled up lmao.