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Time Played

9h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 21, 2020

Platforms Played


While a marked improvement over its predecessor, this installment still struggles to maintain consistent pacing and that keeps it come achieving greatness. The haphazard structure consists of extravagantly orchestrated set pieces strung together by awkward combat/shooting sections and dull platforming/puzzles. The game is at its best when these otherwise negative attributes are tied intrinsically into the fluidity of a constantly progressing sequence of increasing stakes and ensuing chaos (the Tibetan village siege and the Nepal city portion come to mind). This is where Naughty Dog's "blockbuster" illusion is most seamless. However, the inherent instability all leads to a final act that's disappointing and only highlights the issues listed above. For every downright electrifying moment, punctuated by the game's terrific dialogue and charm of its protagonists (plot itself is nonsense but whatever), is yet another shootout and then another after that and then some yellow bricks to climb and some colors to match to some tile. It's a formula that's steadily easier to predict and subsequently stales even if it might "work" on surface level terms. I sound much more negative on this than I really feel but this gets enough praise as it is.

Side Note: I wish Chloe was better utilized as a side character but I adore her dynamic with Elena so I'll take it.