Log Status






Time Played

6h 31m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 15, 2020

Platforms Played


The most cynical cartoon. For a game so brisk it feels like an eternity to get through. After the promising first hour, introducing the iconic trio of characters with charming banter, the game devolves into an endless barrage of enemy spawns, poorly designed arenas, and clunky gunplay with little respite. The game's attempts of being self-aware about these shortcomings with Nathan's quips come off as flaccid and cowardly. It's in the "platforming" sequences where the game shines the most but even then the intense linearity makes these moments bland and uninspired. Enemy design is lazy at best and vaguely racist at worst. For as lavish as its presentation is, I'm baffled by most the decisions made by the developers here. I can only hope its successors hold up as well as I remembered.