Grows steadily more unsettling thanks to the refreshingly minimalist visual style and spare synth soundtrack which allows the conscience to form its own isolated terrors and the game for the most part feeds into that paranoia. Kinda whiffs it in the needlessly melodramatic third act but even then the overall mystery is less so about empty shocks than it is about dissecting the scarred psyche of our protagonist. The South(western) Gothic atmosphere allows for this empathetic study of a disillusioned individual existing beyond an increasingly fractured community to feel authentic without being exploitative and while I wish it was more satisfying in the end (it takes the easy road in the final moments instead of conquering the difficult questions about the character’s PTSD) I was spooked enough for an hour and a half to give a pass.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024


25 days ago

Great review! Just bumped up Sagebrush a bit higher in my backlog list after reading it :)

25 days ago

It's absolutely worth going through! Let me know if you do :)