An insane sequel with non-stop Rip-and-Tear action from start to finish.

I played this entirely on Steam Deck at "Hurt Me Plenty" difficulty. The game played phenomenally well at 40fps with default settings and it looked gorgeous. I completed the campaign and both DLCs obtaining all collectibles and completing all encounters. Overall it took me 34 hours to complete and I enjoyed most every minute of it.

The story in this game picks up some time after the events of the first game. You are the Doom Slayer (aka Doom Guy) here to save Earth from the demon invasion. You singlehandedly get to take on all manner of new and returning enemies with a ton of fun mechanics. In between some missions you get to go back to the Fortress of Doom which acts as a hub for you and where you can unlock additional upgrades from items you collect in each level and enjoy all of the non functional collectibles you find (demon bobbles, songs, etc.)

The world is impeccable and insanely detailed. The devs nailed the feel of a demon invasion on Earth while also giving us varied environments overall from mission to mission. What more can you say then the world in this game feels damn near perfect.

Gameplay is where this game shines and is only enhanced by the atmosphere. As with any boomer shooter style game movement is key and you have a lot of options to keep you self in motion at all times. Though there are health, armor, and ammo pickups through out the levels you can also obtain these using your equipment or the returning "glory kills". Without this it would have been near impossible for me to complete some of the encounters. It really lets you control the pace at which you complete them. Every mission has encounters to complete (some are optional), secrets to find, and items to collect. Collecting everything is made easier with some upgrades that show you where they are (feels kind of cheap, but made the process a bit easier). The tougher demons and bosses have some solid mechanics built in that keeps the gameplay loop fresh throughout. The only enemy type I was not the biggest fan of were the Marauders. Only being able to hit them at certain times made it feel an arbitrary difficulty modifier that I don't feel was necessary. It kept things interesting though. I did not try the horde or multiplayer modes, but everything in the campaign felt top notch and the DLC even added new gameplay elements that didn't just feel like they were added for the sake of adding them (mostly at least).

Overall, this game was fantastic. I enjoyed the hell out of Doom (2016) and this sequel exceed it in every way. If you are a fan of these types of shooters and have not played it you MUST.

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2023
