Log Status






Time Played

160h 8m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 29, 2022

First played

February 20, 2022


After three years of Ezio Auditore da Firenze and Games basically playing in the Middle Ages and set on different locations in Eurasia, 2012s Assassins Creed III is a bold leap forward in a couple of ways.

We still get to follow around Desmond in the modern day story, but Desmond has changed quite a bit; he is now in charge and calling the shots, as he finally knows what needs to happen. We also learn something about the father-son relationship of Desmond and his father William, which gives both a bit more depth. And one of the absolute high-lights: We get to go on missions with Desmond as well, who now can move and act like an assassin as well - this was what I was always hoping for - not only reading about what the modern day assassins where doing in their fight with Abstergo in E-Mails, Books, etc. - but actually experience them; finally we get to! However the story about the Isu becomes more and more confusing and hard to follow and keep up. And the end is weird (and it'll just get weirder).

In the historical timeline we follow Haytham Kennway in 1754 from London to the New World - the 13 British colonies; but we not only get to experience Haytham, but also his son Ratonhnhaké:ton 'Connor' Kennway. This way the game manages to cover the entire revolution, starting with the war of the French and Indian War in 1753 that set the stage for the American Revolution from 1765 - 1783, and the constitutional meetings afterwards.

Connor is the main character and torn between two worlds, feeling as outsider in both, and therefore seeking belonging with the Assassins. However, the Brotherhood has broken up and Connor only finds an reluctant last Assassin named Achilles Davenport. But with his help he becomes an Assassin, ridding the colonies of the Templar who in the chaos of the Revolution try to take control over America.

Assassin's Creed III is the first time we get a different and more modern time period, a totally different culture, and get to play two main characters successively. There are also quite a few surprises. Connor is a character that is really interesting and one that I could relate to from the first minute. And we get to relive a super interesting time period, which I (as a German) knew hardly any details (different to the Crusades [which always peaked my interest] and the Renaissance [same thing]). So, for the first (but not last) time while playing AC3 I spent my off-game time watching documentaries about all the different aspect and details of the 7-years war as well as the Revolutionary war. And it was really fun and helped me recognize so many additional game play details that I really appreciated.

We also get quite some new gameplay features: I think this game had one of the best parkour and free-runing abilities, that finally not only included buildings, but also trees, cliffs, etc. And you could basically climb everything, not just certain paths that where highlighted with a different color. The environment is much more engaging and allows hiding in all kinds of terrain. There are weather effects like snow and rain, that also influence the gameplay, and as a main part of frontier life was hunting, there is also a hunting mechanics, including skinning the animals [oh boy - I was doing that for 1,5 years as I just came from RDR2 and I though I was done with this for good :( ]. To being able to hunt, we get new weapons, like bow and arrows or muskets, besides known weapons; but we also get to play with two different weapons, that allow for a multitude of incredible kill animations. Besides those we can also use enemies as human shields against firing enemies and get a new gadget, the Rope Dart, that allows for some crazy new killings. There is again a mini-game that is a build- and economy-simulation (this time it's the home of Achilles that is our mission base), and another one in the return of Recruits that can help you with your missions (one of the coolest feature from Brotherhood). And then there are the games in game: You get to play different board games with different opponents. And for the first time ever we get a ship, and can do naval missions; some of them where pretty hard and sometimes I hated the AI of the other ships, but all in all, the ship battle was pretty cool, and more differentiated (and therefore more challenging) than any following part. I really enjoyed it; so much that afterwards I was considering getting a model of the ship (unfortunately there isn't one).

All in all I had a lot of fun with this game. I could identify with Connor from the get go, I got interested in the historical events and started watching a lot of documentaries, and I felt that there where a lot of new mechanisms - while some good previous mechanisms where revived as well. I had fun with the modern-day story as well; I'd go so far to say there is a huge parallel in Desmond and him being torn between Isu, Abstergo and Assassins, as well as his relation to his father, and Connor who is fighting with the same problems in a totally different situation and time. Missions are really variable as well, and we get so many different scenes, so the game never gets boring. In the end, this is the first game that does not say Assassins are good, and Templars are bad - but rather that there is a lot of gray in both fractions; as well as in people considered heroes of history (such as George Washington, and other famous historic people). This is also rather new and interesting thought.

My most important downside where a couple of bugs that disturbed the otherwise perfect game, as well as two game mechanics that were rather frustrating: 1. a lot of tailing missions, that were really difficult and had to be restarted a lot of time (especially when you wanted to also meet the challenge) and 2. the Boston tunnel system missions, which where incredible hard to do due to the really bad/missing maps in this area.

My review also includes the DLCs:
- Hidden Secrets
- The Tyranny of King Washington (20.04. - 24.04.)