igarashi making order of ecclesia and shanoa was his personal apology for making the single female belmont to fight dracula non-canon. im kinda glad it is though because the idea of the belmonts' strength just coming from being alucard's descendants as opposed to the power of god™ and intense physical training is kinda lame and alucard will always be aroace to me. the game itself is also just. okay. reviews here are painting it as some kinda irredeemable dogshit but it's really just kinda slow and lacking in enemy design or variety but i'd still sooner find myself replaying this over the adventure considering how much more digestible this in comparison. at the end of the day though the only gb castlevania really worth playing is belmont's revenge but i still think this deserved some kinda retelling or remake ala adventure rebirth so sonia got a place in the timeline and her design didn't go to waste - she deserves one and she's also the single belmont to assume dracula once felt human emotions which is kinda real tbh

Reviewed on May 22, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago

I think Lament of Innocence as an origin story for the Belmont family is better than Castlevania Legends. Also the story of this game creates conflict with Castlevania III which was the real first time the Belmont family faced Dracula. Those 2 are other reasons why this game is not canon