probably the most important game ever made. if you want proof that video games have reached a "high art" status, this is it; and ironically this is because it pushes itself so deep into the abstract that its almost completely nonsensical, this transcends even any slight sense of lucidity, constantly keeping you engaged, one second you're eating dirt, the next you're moving out of a driveway, and then its dr mario against a giygas background
entire dissolution of the senses and video game structure itself, it is the disseminating the act of games even having a concrete goal- logical conclusion of kubus' ethos for game development, it is both structured and structureless. complete enigma. video games couldve stopped being produced right at the release of this game, and shouldve, because all of what it is capable of is done here a million times
is the structure pointless? is the justification of it pointless? whats the point of either if one or the other of those things is pointless? its entirely like some kind of "mock-epic" for video games taken to an absurdist extreme- its a hero's "journey" except theres no development or relation of any of the segments or exploration of anything thematically, everything is treated with this sort of absurdist and somewhat unnerving detachment, you dont even know if the characters you play as are even the same people, it is Anti-Investment, which is why it is the Ultimate Video Game, this doesnt pretend to be a narrative through mechanics or resonant justification
a borderline plotless journey that takes kubus-ian aesthetics to the extreme, and of course its a masterpiece because of that