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*This is a review after playing episodes 1-4
Episode 1 is the perfect blend of mystery and intrigue. The atmosphere is top. As the story goes on, you DO get more context and relationships are fleshed out, but I feel as if it ends up slowing down what could've been a non-stop thrill ride. There are a few moments where I asked my self "why would I care about this" and the game didn't really answer me. Episode 4 is the worst offender of this.

The game sets up several "questions" for the reader to solve by the end. It feels like the perfect "game theorists video essay" material.
I do not recommend you personally try to solve it. While Episodes 1-4 lay the groundwork, there are far too many implications and rules that the game withholds from you (on purpose.) I think this game SHOULDN'T be manually solved. Go in blind and enjoy the ride.

There are some real heartwarming, brutal, memorable, and badass scenes that keep the overall story a positive! You will HATE some characters, but that is the mark of a good story. (The ones you are supposed to dislike, anyway.)
The music is so fantastic that the few stinkers stand out that much more. When the music hits, IT HITS.
If you feel the pacing slow to a crawl, do your best to power through. I think it's worth seeing to the end.

Reviewed on Jul 06, 2023
