I could just say: 'omg among us x danganronpa???', but I would be unfair. This game has a charm, the whole time-loop mechanic thing where the roles and the character changes at the start of every loop is really interesting: more so because there's another character who shares the conscience of knowing that they're at a loop. Your relationships changes and the character that you like the most can, well, kill you.

It's a nice game. The art is... charming: not something that you see everyday. The roster is really diverse in terms of color palettes, gender and personality.

But knowing that you have to get, at least, 160~ loops to get the ending (even with a short duration of 5 minutes each) sounds so... exhaustive. Well, I can read online and my reaction would be the same, I guess.

If that's your thing, even being time-consuming, you should at least check it out.

Reviewed on Jan 28, 2022
