Not giving this game a review felt kinda unfair to me, being completely honest. Risk of Rain 2 was the first roguelite experience that I actually had and played, being such a nice one. I didn't played the first one, but got interested and I'm looking forward to do so.

This new expansion adds new maps, two new survivors, some items, new elite bosses and a new final boss. Even if the maps aren't as great as the standalone game, this expansion did something REALLY good (again) with the soundtrack, being one of the most touching, hype and well made in a video-game. By itself, the game AND the expansion deserves a whole 5/5, but the gameplay helps and the amounts of fun that I had playing alone and in multiplayer are simply over the top.

It's a truly great game. The lore (yes, it has a lore) is as cryptic and mysterious as ever, but searching it made me interested enough for more content. It gaves you the sensation of just wanting to understand more and more.

Support the devs and the soundtrack creator, Chris Christodoulou. They have done a true masterpiece.

Reviewed on Mar 10, 2022
