Obsession 2014

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 27, 2023

Platforms Played


The most competent of the four Jeff The Killer RPG Maker fangames I played. By that merit, it’s also the least interesting. This is a sequel to I S O L A T I O N, and is… at least completable, this time? There’s not as many closets you have to look through, but that doesn’t mean the level design hasn’t stopped being “either pick the arbitrarily correct option or get instakill jumpscared” — it’s just now that instead of closets it’s two branching paths, different rooms, etc. In general this one doesn’t feel particularly notable: while the beginning conversation with “Lile” and her parents is entertaining, most of the dialogue afterwards just describes things in the room, the story itself taking a backseat right until you choose an ending by picking a random door. Some of the more… ‘notable’ beats feel directly copied from the previous game. Puzzle design is frustrating: there's no real indication of where to go, how to follow up on something you just did, or even what doors/rooms actually mean anything and which are set dressing. It’s more competently made, that’s for sure — no softlocks, no weird broken mechanics that make the game much harder than it should be — but… given that it’s not particularly noteworthy or amazing otherwise, I can’t really say that’s to its benefit. 2/10.