Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 1, 2021

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


The first half of this was a blast. The short of it is that you're doing a virtual tour for an open house, exploring the whole place at your own pace while listening to what the virtual real estate agent has to say about the place. The mood — the writing of the agent, the use of a stock asset house, the stock piano music playing overtop — creates a pretty great image of something funny-in-a-low-effort kind of way as the game starts going weird and the horror elements start popping up. The second half is... less than amazing — there were a lot of sections where I was just kinda standing around really not sure on how to progress, and it's generally kind of hard to follow up in these slow-buildup kinds of games when you hit the peak — but the ending is absolutely hilarious and a great, brief return to form for the humour that was super present in the first half of the game. This one's only like, half an hour at most and also free so if you're interested, go check it out. Can't say much without spoiling but it's a pretty unique experience. 7/10.