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January 18, 2023

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(Finished on 1964 GEPD Edition)
Perfect Dark was nearly a perfect shooter at the time, but it's aged, like Half-Life 1 and Halo: CE. When you play them, you can taste their greatness but will be frustrated from time to time.

PD inherited everything good about Goldeneye and changed everything bad. Both combat and level design get improved. The storyline is also more convoluted. You will be alerted when you are near the target, which solved the problem that the target of the mission in the Goldeneye is so difficult to seek.

PD and GE both have a unique set of gameplay, but also face the same problems: Close to the experience of the Immersive Sims, but cause it's a console game without real-time Save/Load, you often need to restart the mission for some small mistakes.

But I still think PD is worth Metacritic 97. A masterpiece shooter without alternatives. I recommend playing on PC because the control and real-time S/L function is really attractive.