there might not be a single ouvere in the gaming industry i have a complicated mess of feelings about than that of kenji eno. i have an endless amount of adoration and respect for everything eno stood for, his approach to his artistry, the lengths he took to force his way and get his vision out there. don't let a low score here fool you - this is a game i'm glad exists, and honestly, a game i feel you NEED to play if you want a fuller understanding of games as an art form. hell, i'd argue the influence that D held should be considered immediate and obvious; both silent hill and especially resident evil have clear, bright red arrows pointing right back to do, with its perspective shots, its creaking churning doorways, its puzzle-based progression structure, and the psychedelic oddities that await the patient player.

that said... i can also admit that D is an absolute slog and has either aged terribly or admittedly underperformed from the get-go. it blows my mind this game was apparently a best-seller! for god's sake, if the game wasn't already unbearably slow, the rng-centric puzzle with the rotating numbers is downright time-wasting, especially when you consider this is a game with a TIME LIMIT TO COMPLETE. i really, really want to love D. i struggle to in good conscious recommend it as anything more than an artifact of an artistic madman redefining what console horror could be, but i think that's reason enough to give it an afternoon. is it good? no, not really. but kenji eno was a passionate man and the experience is one you're likely not to forget. as you take the dive, just remember - this man lied about the contents of this game to get the esrb to give him a pass. and i support that shit for the sake of art, all day every day. what an absolute king.

Reviewed on Apr 23, 2022


2 years ago

what does d stand for ? dreadful?

2 years ago

This comment was deleted

2 years ago

it's kind of a spoiler.

1 year ago

What a great review. I'm watching a longplay of it instead of playing it and even that is tiring. But had I played this in '95, I would have been blown away.

1 year ago

Thanks for the kind words!