This game feels like a remake of an 80's arcade that doesn't exist. Constant pickups, one-hit deaths, defeating combos of enemies for higher scores, and bosses that don't have any I-frames? It knows what it wants to be, and it perfectly evoked the feeling of challenge and expectation of mastery like plenty of arcades before it. I suppose scoring high isn't necessarily everyone's thing, but it's hard not to recommend when it's so immediately enjoyable and short to begin with.

Love the graphics, love the controls, LOVE the boss battles; there's not really a whole lot of negatives I can think of besides wishing it was longer.

I've yet to give it another go on Hard which apparently has additional stages, but it really shouldn't take much time to finish even with that in mind.
Fuck that minecart stage though.

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

Always love when games have extra content on harder difficulties :)