3 reviews liked by rarek

After 110 hours and three out of five endings under my belt, I can say I'm officially done with this mess of a game. I've been defending this game since launch day. "Oh the bugs aren't THAT bad, I've seen worse! But I'm actually having fun with this! The weapons are fun to use! The characters are cool!"

Characters stop being great when they're written into dirt with unsatisfying endings, awkward as fuck sex scenes and plot holes a plenty. There was definitely some thought here but it got lost somewhere in the 8 years of development hell and what we got left with is a bug ridden potential that somehow hasn't been in the oven long enough, probably because the higher ups were too busy screwing over the chefs who were doing their best. I can only hope this game gets somewhat better over the coming months/years, but as of right now, don't do it.

playing this game is both constant information overload yet deprived of any actual information. i got shit flying in my face all the god damn time and know absolutely nothing of what to make of any of it. there are literally core mechanics i figure out by complete chance. i get calls from npc's while in the middle of main quest dialogues. i got trees clipping through every fucking object on the map. I got a story and world that knows absolute fuck all about its themes and genre-niche apart from pretty colours and cool technology. god damn what a mess

This game is a mess... but fun! Needed at least one more year to be a real great game!