Shadow of The Colossus is not a perfect game by any means; it's too basic, too simple. The game design revolves around riding your horse, climbing moving buildings, and hitting the attack button at the right time. That’s it. But this game is also a timeless masterpiece for exactly that reason. It's so clever and cunning, exploring its fullest potential by inventing and reinventing a single mechanic throughout the journey. Ueda climbed to the top of the colossal Mount Olympus of the games industry with this entry, influencing many genius developers with his minimal game design and emptiness art direction.

I would say the gameplay loop becomes extremely predictable after the seventh colossus, out of 16 total. It would benefit greatly from more storytelling scenes throughout the journey to break up some of the gameplay monotony. It only has one cutscene at the beginning and another at the end, that's all you'll get. Go make some theories inside your mind and have fun with it!

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
