first time playing a ratchet and clank game, and it was a lot of fun! not sure if the other games are like this, but I really loved the way weapon upgrades worked. I am a big fan of when games reward you for using specific items/weapons/abilities.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2023

1 Comment

10 months ago

If you liked Rift Apart, I would recommend playing the original trilogy for sure. The first game has a bunch jank in it (early playstation 2 game after all) but is still a great platformer with a ton of personality and great characters over all, and you might end up being surprised how funny and biting the social commentary of the original games are since the playstation 3 games (and onwards) tended to go into a more fantasy-narrative approaches rather than the gritty anti-consumerism of the first three games. The second game in particular is my favourite game of all time and the third is fantastic too! Definitely worth checking out IMO.