It was a 3 star game up until the point I quit.

Granted I’ve never been super interested in slice of life anime or high school setting, I am clearly not the target audience for this game and I understand that. I also mistakenly played this version instead of the newer and more QoL updated versions.

Combat was fun at first, but quickly turned frustrating with how swingy the turns can be. A random crit can wipe your party, or a random death spell can wipe you, and early game there’s really no way to prevent it. Save often.

Social grinding was boring for me for the most part and I didn’t find many of the characters super engaging. Some were, I just didn’t love a lot of the character development, not to say it may not get better later.

I did max out a couple social links for reference, the hanged man arcana was my favorite of them all.

The main reason I stopped playing was the beach scene. I won’t go into details but the transphobia made me instantly drop the game, and from what I hear persona 4 and 5 has similar problems.

It’s an ok game. I tried it out again because I played it as a kid, the nostalgia was nice but if I hadn’t played it as a kid I would have quit a lot sooner.

I enjoy the combat system, but it gets very repetitive and the way exp is earned is off putting. You need to keep your party evenly leveled (which is difficult because of the way exp works, based off damage dealt) or else some characters will be completely useless.

I quit at the last boss because my party was too weak to continue, and there wasn’t any way to leave the final area to grind exp.

Deimos were the only interesting part of the story for me personally, and I would have liked the game more if humans just weren’t in it at all tbh.