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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 16, 2024

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This is the Venom DLC for this game. As in the base game, the gameplay is still really fun, but the story lets it down entirely.

This DLC feels only superficially about Venom and the writing here doesn't work as well as it did in the Deadpool DLC. This is supposed to be some sort of redemption arc, but it is very superficial and feels (at best) like a retread of what Venom is always about. They also get the same surface-level only treatment as the main cast (his thing is eating people!) and it just isn't interesting or engaging. Eddie Brock himself has complicated motivations that can't really come across in a very shortened format like this -- he isn't interesting or wacky enough to just watch him bounce off people like Deadpool is.
This is probably a me thing, but Venom is written like a big dumb brute who just wants to eat people. They literally talk like the Hulk or something when in missions. It just doesn't make sense. Eddie is not a moron. The symbiote is not a moron. Why would the combination of them be a moron?

The actual plot is more like setup for the Morbius DLC with the crew trying to deal with Vampyres. I think this still works better than the main storyline, despite how dumb it all is.

Visuals are as uninspiring as the base game, but like Deadpool the animation is somehow much better. The in-combat model for Venom also looks much better than most other characters (probably because they don't really have a face).

Venom's gameplay is sort of unique. They gain one stack of a damage buff every turn which is lowered for each Venom card you play. It ends up being a bit like a reverse of Deadpool's ability -- You want a more measured approach, saving up for big moves instead of playing as many cards as you can to get as many kills as possible.
High damage with a varied toolkit. They are fun to use!

Don't go into this expecting much more than the main game and you won't be disappointed. The story is only marginally better, the writing of Venom themself is pretty bad, but the gameplay they add is fun!