I didn't like anything about my time with Maquette, unfortunately.

The story is fairly generic, basically following the most rote version of a boy-meets-girl-but-it-doesn't-work-out type of narrative. It is told with very ponderous, voice-acted cutscenes that happen way too often, pull control away from the player, and when they were occurring were more annoying than interesting.

The idea behind the puzzles in Maquette is interesting, being able to manipulate the size of objects by placing it in different versions of the same space, but the puzzles themselves fail to deliver on this promise. The majority of the puzzles boil down to "do the only thing you can do right now" and the other 10% force you to make an arbitrary connection between untaught ideas or notice some small detail in the environment or objects around you.
One sequence of puzzles even introduces arbitrary changes to the rules of the world in order to make them work (picking up and putting down objects changes, gravity (!?) changes, etc...)

I cannot recommend this game to anyone.

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2021
