Crown Trick is a fairly straightforward and traditional roguelike with a cool style and some interesting twists. It has some UI and clarity issues that frustrated me somewhat -- I had an ok time with it, but there wasn't a ton beyond the art-style that stood out for me.

The characters are very expressive and the environments are varied and cool looking. It has a very saturday morning cartoon vibe, and I think it works pretty well for the game. Unfortunately much of the important information is obscured by some of the effects and environments, leading to times when you are taking damage from unclear sources or being attacked in ways that aren't obvious.

Crown Trick steps away from traditional roguelikes in its structure and a few of its mechanics. Structurally, you choose one of a few challenges to do, each of which has a unique mechanic and boss. This is novel, but doesn't have a ton of impact on the game itself. Mechanically, you can choose from a number of weapons which have different attack patterns, similar to Crypt of the Necrodancer. As you play, you also pick up familiars, which grant you two spells each, allowing you to switch up your playstyle somewhat, unfortunately most of them end up being pretty similar, reducing the impact they have.

Crown Trick is ok, but became a bit too frustrating because of the UI and presentation for me to want to continue playing. If you are a fan of the genre, it might be worth checking out for the presentation and some of the systems.

Reviewed on Oct 29, 2021
