Marking as completed tho the major two bosses I gave up on were the final boss and the secret boss in Farum Azula bc fuck those guys.

Replaying as a twinblade-using, status-effect procing character really made me appreciate the good bits. You can annihilate most bosses if they're weak to bleed - even Mohg, lord of blood, was obliterated during his phase change.

But this also shows how dreadful bosses are who are immune. Valiant Gargoyles is a nightmare mostly because of their poison vomit taking up massive cunks of real estate+doing tick damage before it even procs. The final boss is immune to most worthwhile status effects, has crazy poise and stance, and too much heatlh. These are the Slog Bosses.

Still, excited to head into the DLC in June!

Reviewed on Mar 08, 2024
