Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

I guess if somebody gave Boxxle a swift kick in the ass, you’d get Power Soukoban. I hate using metaphors that involve violence being done to things to produce new, amazing things, but the game’s called Power Soukoban for Christ’s sake.

Anyways, you’re this freaky little guy, who walks from room to room in this castle and pushes boxes into holes. When all the boxes in a room have been pushed into holes, you get this teardrop thing that I assume has some use. There’s also enemies walking out of these holes, just to mix things up a little. You can shoot fireballs at them with the A button, or you can hold the A button and release a super fireball, that you can use to tear down certain walls and stuff.

So, in closing, you would do well to check it out, and etc.

Rent/Buy/Burn? You should totally rent this game first, just to see if you like it. If you like it, I’d definitely recommend buying it, like at your local pawn shop or something.

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2023
